Friday, June 14, 2013

This Year’s Annual Conference Offerings

by Patrick Scriven
Three offerings will be taken at our 2013 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions to benefit one international, one national ,and one local ministry. A short description of each ministry follows.
The Community Health and Agricultural Developmentprogram, also know as CHAD, is a program of the Methodist Mission in Cambodia. They work to improve health, well-being, food and economic security of individuals, families and rural communities through the Methodist churches there. You can learn more about the program HERE and contribute via the offering at the Memorial Service on Friday evening.
The First L.A.P. (Life After Prison) Program is an ex-offender reentry program at Pacific Islanders United Methodist Church in Honolulu. Nineteen residents are receiving the support of the church as they seek a healthy reintegration into the community. You can read about it HERE. We'll take an offering to support this ministry during the Service of Commissioning and Ordination on Saturdayevening.
Finally, for our local ministry we'll be supporting Northwest Detention Center Roundtable, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization which brings together representatives from all sectors of the community to discuss issues and seek ways to provide assistance to detainees and their families. The Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma is used by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service to enforce compliance with U.S. Immigration requirements. You can learn about the Roundtable's work HEREand offer support through the offering taken during the Closing Worship Service on Sunday morning.
Patrick Scriven | June 13, 2013 at 8:26 pm | Categories: ConversationNews| URL:

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