Friday, June 7, 2013

Change the World… in Wenatchee!
By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications

For the past four years, United Methodists from around the world have been hosting and participating in‘Change the World’ events, typically held during the month of May. United Methodist Communications(UMCOM) helps to sponsor these events which build upon the United Methodist desire to make a difference in the world and our need to better engage the communities we live in. This year our Pacific Northwest Conference will be hosting such an event during our 2013 Annual Conference Sessions in Wenatchee next week. This is particularly appropriate given our conference theme; “Disciple is a Verb!”
Our opportunity to Change the World will take place on Friday, June 14th from 2-4pm. The Rev. David Valera, Executive Director of Connectional Ministries, and Lynn Magnuson have been working to coordinate efforts locally so that there is something for everyone to participate in and learn about. They’d like to express gratitude to leaders of organizations inside and outside of the Annual Conference who are all pitching in to help make this event happen.
The following opportunities will be available (please check back as some details are subject to change):
Immigration Rally - Lyda Pierce, Alex & Sally Perez – Main Outdoor Plaza
A festive gathering featuring speakers on immigration and lively worship with a marimba band. There will be opportunities for letter writing nearby for those who are inspired and light snacks served for this community event.
What A Relief! Assemble UMCOR Health Kits – Kristin Joyner – Lower Plaza next to WCC.
Hands on for global relief! You can send relief to victims of natural disaster, conflict and war by assembling health kits for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).  These kits will be sent to the UMCOR West Depot in Salt Lake City, Utah for distribution.
Tending God’s Garden, Feeding God’s People – Tanya Barnett, Creation Care, 365 - Lower Hallway
Roll up your sleeves and join with Wenatchee-based “Community Harvest” to grow and harvest nutritious, chemical-free produce for local foodbanks. Your chance to practice hands-on, creation-care in the Wenatchee area!
Quilts @ Annual Conference – Construction @ PAC Lobby, Kathy LeFurgey;
   Distribution @ Lower Main Hallway, Sharon Wischmeier
Each year people bring quilts they have worked on the past to year to Annual Conference for all to admire.  These quilts are for children at risk.  This year, our goal is to have 400 quilts at Annual Conference!!  Half will stay in the Wenatchee area and the rest will be distributed to the District UMW Presidents, Atlantic Street Center and Tacoma Community House.  A group will also be working together to build quilts while another works to process all the wonderful quilts people bring.
Wanna Make A Difference? – Paul Benz, Faith Action Network - TBA 
Wanna put your Faith into Action and Help make the World a Better Place? Wanna Learn How to do this in and through your Congregation’s Witness? Come to the Upstairs Lobby of the Convention Center to learn about Faith Action Network and participate in a ‘Offering of Letters’. Experience putting your Faith into Action by contacting your elected officials and doing systemic change for our vulnerable neighbors.
Emergency Response Trailer – Jim Truitt & Ronda Cordill – Parked near the Plaza
Come talk to people regularly involved in efforts to respond, see the Emergency Response Trailer, and learn more about how you/your church can be involved with the response efforts to the different disasters that occur.

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