Thursday, May 23, 2013

Prayers for Oklahoma

Bishop Hagiya:
Prayers for Oklahoma
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I would ask you for prayers and support in light of the devastating tornadoes that have caused so much damage in Oklahoma. Please keep the people and organizations that have lost so much in your prayers. In speaking with Bishop Robert Hayes (Resident Bishop of Oklahoma), he remarked that none of the UMC churches were effected by the tornadoes, but some of their members have lost everything. Many of our Oklahoma churches are providing direct care for the survivors.

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is on scene and providing their exceptional services. Please visit the UMCOR website for the latest information on how you can contribute to our connectional response. Let us continue to be in prayer, and donate generously for relief.

Joining you in prayer,

Bishop Grant Hagiya
The Greater Northwest Area
(Alaska, Pacific Northwest, Oregon-Idaho)

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